Saturday, 26 January 2008

Drama Fever-when speech does not matter.

I came back from Melbourne to attend the drama camp that I signed up for back in 2007. When I saw the drama camp, I was really excited because I could finally DO something relevant and hopefully gained some new stuff from the week.

Australian Theatre of the Deaf- Summer drama camp 2008 was held at Alexandria Redfern. I did remember thinking if I could bail myself out of the camp because I was really tired from travelling and wanted some time off to just chill at home. Somehow, there's this tugging that got me going and there I got myself to the venue on Monday morning. When I got into the class, I heard rarely a pinch of noise. In fact, I saw heaps of hand and fingers moving and signing and then I realised what I was in for.
All my mates were hearing impaired or deaf. Some has hearing aids and having grown up in a community that does not have many people who have hearing difficulties, they learnt to speak with the hearing aids and were the ones whom I communicated verbally. Otherwise, I had to depend on Gerry( my interpretor) to translate sign language to verbal language( if that's the name for it). I was the oldest at the age of 22 while the others were between 13 to 17:) haha..heaps of fun with people who are younger than me.

We learnt all sorts of stuff- drama, theater, circus( hoops, juggling, scarves and clowning, human pyramid) and for Vivi- sign language. I picked up signing throughout my week and could sign all the alphabets and simple greetings and form simple sentences with the 10 fingers and the body that God gave me. Working with these kids taught me how to not only appreciate my gift for being able to hear, I appreciated the fact that God may have not given them hearing but he has given these kids the talent to use their bodies and facial expressions to tell stories and perform. People might say God's not fair to these kids by taking away their hearing. But, change the way we see it- perhaps it's a bonus that we could all hear. Instead of giving us talent to be expressive in our body movements, God gave us audio abilities to communicate with people. I remembered one of the incidents when it hit me in my head that I took my hearing for granted. We were trying to practise side to side stepping with clapping. Some of the kids can't seem to follow- and it's because they are hard of hearing so they can't hear the clapping to keep count and they had to rely on visual aid to follow which might give a lag in between. They will not possibly know what's keeping quiet because they can't hear themselves when they make squeaks of laughter. Even within their community, they have their divisions- the people who signed and those who hear with hearing aids.

As a class, we had to come up with a performance on the last day of the workshop and you could the sparkle in everyone's eyes when they performed. It was their day. One of my group mates Lydia fell and twisted her ankle the day before but she still pushed her way through to perform and gave the best she could for the show.
Of all, I will miss Dylan the most. He's my favourite. He never fails to bring joy and laughter with his acting and tricks- is a genuine and sincere attitude to provide entertainment for people that touched my heart. He gave me a big hug on our last day. I remembered that on the train back home, he asked me if I was bored and how he made every effort to ensure that I understood what he was signing. His freckled face that lits up with that charming smile makes my heart melt and something in me tells me that he will be a great performer one day- because he performs with sincerity.

For once, being a minority ( being abnormal amongst people who all have hard of hearing since I deviated from the normal standard they hold in their audio abilities) was something rewarding. Learning to communicated with them in Sign was the greatest reward of my week and when they allowed me to enter their circle of trust, I reckoned that I should return them a favour by allowing them to enter ( at least) my circle of trust by providing them that comfort of knowing that I can understand them through signing. SO! my next mission- take up signing classes. So that if I ever have patients who are deaf- They will not feel lost and handicap. How interesting- my skill gained is a way to overcome their handicap.

Sunday, 20 January 2008

Heading back to Sydney:)

It's the end of another round of solo travelling..but solo travelling isn't always SOLO when you meet friends somewhere on the streets. I met zhen zhen(OT) on the russell streets of melbourne because i was desperate enough to eat cheena food!! hahaha..and guess what..I SAW SINGAPORE CHOM CHOM!!!*hysterical laugh* I had my hainanese chicken rice there and the chilli is exactly the same FEEL!!!* hysterical cry* they sell chee kueh and many other stuff in there that seem so foreign at one instance and before i knew it..ignited that " I MISS SINGAPORE CUISINE" in me. Zhen walked up and down with me to get food and it was really a good time of catching up at her hostel's kitchen-which seemed a little dodgy..LOL..she was so funny~

Anyhow i am heading back to Sydney in 8 more hours time and reaching the next morning because I am taking the ever trustworthy train.:P Then it's drama camp for a week and onto fiji- and Chinese New Year:). After that, finish up my tour of the eastern coast of Australia and it's time to hit the books. Will be busy then..and well book eating:)

Melbourne captured me with its unique blend of the victorian buildlings and the contemporary architecture- coming with the sports culture that I have personally witnessed and so want to do it by getting a bicycle and hit the roads. From working adults, to children to the seniors, none are left out in the sporting culture because almost everyone took no stress from someone else being better than them. Instead, they had this I do what i am best at attitude. Sydney hits the gym but Melbourne hits the streets. Singapore Chom Chom definitely scored a bonus point with me. The free city tram and city shuttle made me felt important as a tourist- at least my travelling is taken care of. The Australian Open 2008 was something that I never dreamt of being there. Now that I have sat through live tennis matches with Andy Roddick, Federer and Williams sister so near me- I hoped that Michael Chang was there to bring this beautiful dream to a beautiful closure..( He was OUR era tennis player..haha..the ASIAN player.)I found my WOMAN! hahaha..Sugiyama from Japan is a real hot padi. She is so short but she handles william's hit with OOPMH. Sports was like the heart of melbourne. However, they had their streaks of artistic blood that flows through their streets- the Dracula Cabaret Restaurant was amazing in their delivery and professionalism of their performance.. the musuems and galleries that I had my feet on were amazing in telling me stories about their city and how they came about, their state library makes me wanna study, the gardens and shrine of rememberance taught me the history of war folks in the 1940s, and the random lanes of art murals that amazes me with the art talent in this place- and that's not graffitti. Not forgetting the experience to the southern tip of Australia at Wilsons promonotory as well as the penguins that me awed in wonder- I will believe that this is an exciting to reside for some time:) not that i am thinkin of but well it's for you to find out!

The experiences with people never fails to marvel me the diversity of human relationships and it makes me understand why God always created us differently- the world will be SOOO boring if we are all the same. The pain and annoyance happens with different personalities or conflicts of interest- but that's how we learn and grow isn't it? I Kinda figured my style of travelling and my purpose of travelling- my weakness for some things Like TENNIS. Travelling- is not about putting sights in pictures but putting experiences in memories. That's for Vivi. What about yours?

PS: sorry for not hving pictures will bring them up soon. Otherwise JOIN FACEBOOK!! the latest pics get up them..hehe

Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Current time in Melbourne

Greetings from melbourne!! I am at my hostel's internet cafe so I am gonna keep this short sweet and simple. * cross my fingers*

Besides the high style layout but low substance service at my hostel, melbourne has been impressive thus far. The free city tram shuttle, the friendly people at service points like visitor centre and the parliament house and shopkeepers, the sights and well looking forward to the Queen Vic Market tomorrow as well as the Dracula's cabarest show at night in Carlton:)

Melbourne has a similar layout to Brisbane, especially with the Yarra reminds me of that river back in Brisbane. But the walk down Yarra is really pretty especially at sunset- gonna head there for a cycle or a run the day after. It should be quite a relaxing one:)

I had a walk round the city, kept goin round on the tram too lazi to walk..hahaha..

I had the day tours for two consecutive days - the dandenong/puffing billy train, cattle farm and the PENGUINS!! on tuesday and went to the most southern tip of the continent- Wilsons Promonotory National Park.

The Penguins are my official favourite animals. WHY? Heaps of reasons~

When I got to the Penguin Parade, I waited quite a while in the strong winds to see the arrival of those little creatures and mind you they not taller than your ankles. THEY ARE SOOO CUTE!!

They stay in packs and never leaves one behind. When they get out of sea, they will get out together.. if one's left behind, then the pack will ALL return back to the sea and wait for that one to return. They are small creatures but they travel miles to their burrows where their youngs are. I witness their little scrambles home and they are either LOst or PRETEND to not know where their burrows are so as not to expose their secret hiding place. We can't take pictures of them because their eyes will be blinded by the flash and people( being inconsiderate creatures) did not follow the warnings did so and caused a ban to be slammed just 6 years ago. Nonetheless, i got one with a squashy one. The highlight was probably witness penguins kissing..LOL.. nah..the dad was feeding the mum with all the munched up fish into her stomach to feed the baby penguins. Penguins are a brave bunch of animals- so small yet they go through the daily ritual of hunting food to ensure the survival of their colony. I can't imagine myself doing that everyday. Yet they have the highest rate of divorce- suprising aint' it?

Their loyalty to their fellow compatriots amaze me. I wonder if i will ever go back to the sea in such conditions knowing that i might die going back to find my fellow penguins. Life isn't as such, you will not fathom the extent of loyalty you have for your friends till you are put into the situation:)

Thursday, 10 January 2008

The simple life

Am back from a week's long of independent traveling:) was awesome and exciting( yea..hearing me getting the aussie way of talkin ey..LOL)

I headed down to the inner New South Wales- Rand( in between Albury and Wagga Wagga) and onto Dubbo.

If u guys ever watched The Simple Life by nicole richie and paris hilton, do u remember the farming episodes they had? Yea, I got myself one great and amazing time on the farms at Rand. Laurissa aka Larrie( my life group leader in Wesley and physio mate in Syd Uni) invited me to her place cuz she was back at the farms and she was getting wee bored so she got me down to provide that excitement of a visitor. So i took the long ride and because of track works, i was stuck on the train for 2 hours extra!! my butt was nearly ripped off and terrible:) I got there in the afternoon, headed for a cup of tea and then to the farms for 2 days and 2 nights..

Farm was exciting:) I reckoned it's me( being a kid living in the city ALL my life) i haven't had the opportunities to see cattle upclose and do things like making the fence for the farmland. So all decked in nice farming outfit, we headed out to the fields and did fencing.
FencingI chase quite a load of cattle for Mrs Creek( Larrie's mum) cuz they had to get them to another i joined the cows and went MOOOOO. Kinda frightened them i think~ they started running away real fast when i went MOOOO.LOL..
The ladies of the Creek residence
SOme people commented the farm life might get bored after some time but i reckoned that it has become a lifestyle for many farmers around that they don't really see it as a boring thing to do. They see it as their life.
It was a good time cuz I did my first time lawn mowing and i drove the manual car under the instructions of Mrs creek..but i nearly killed my passengers..LOL..
The highlight at the farm was the night sky. I saw the milky way right before my eyes. It's a magnificent blanket of stars that laid before my eyes~ From the east to the west, the north to the south, the sight just blew my mind. I laid under the blanket and could hear my Father in Heaven telling me- It's all for you, enjoy:)

Being at the farm, I realised the amazing thing about God is that everything made or happened will remind you of Him. Mrs Creek was sharing that the fencing was done so that it can allow the vegetation for the area that had tracks running through regenerate and becomes a potential grazing place for the cattle. The fencing serves a s a barrier so that the cattle will not enter and trample the grounds. Well, is your heart this day like the fields in Mrs creek's farmland? Is it barren or is it flourishing? Are the fences up to guard your heart? or have you allowed the cattle to run through your fields because you thought that if you leave just a weeny bit of hole in the fence..they will not get through? [i saw sheep getting through the fences that had holes as small as my palm].

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Onto to 2008

Blessed New Year everyone!!! I apologise for not being able to reach any one of u with calls because the lines were jammed and my phone died on usual. Sydney celebrated New year with a huge lavish on fireworks..massive display. The biggest one I've ever seen in my life I reckoned. We headed to the place at 2pm ( fiona booked the seats for us!!thankew) and we sat there the entire till was close to a torture but a worthwhile wait when u marvelled at the just goes on and on:)

New year new day new hope and new wishes.
TO my God- You left me speechless with your Love.year after year..regardless of how naughty I was.
TO my parents- Thankew for the love and the calls when I can't reach you guys. You came for me.
TO my bro- Quit the games and start the exercise. LUV u heaps:)
TO my best friend JIng- Thankew for the friendship after all these's the 16th year dearie!!
To my Kindergarten buddy ah wee-'s..say two more years before we hit the two decades of close association??hahaha..U always make my u soon..
TO my woman ministry- Well! I had new year before u did..hahahaha but we shall head forth the new year with " great hopes" and "great wishes"..hee
TO my cousins- We will meet up someday when I get back next year
TO all my fellow bros and sis in Christ- Forward on Soldiers!
TO my fellow bros from WSC- It's been great year working and you guys are amazing..Keep the fire going and the life of WSC running! Proud of u guys:)
TO my big angel- may the new year be a good one for you:) I'm glad that I got to know you.
TO all who are in Sydney- We will have our PJ party soon..GIRLS NIGHT OUT!! heeh. Meanwhile, enjoy the company of those who are with u( for those with your loved ones) and embrace the new year with a great vision ahead:)Start the countdown for the return to Singapore!

Jesus saves

Christmas-This year I spent it in Sydney.

Every year, if i happened to be overseas in December, I will attempt all efforts to arrive Singapore for Christmas. Christmas was a family reunion prelude before the New Year Day. In fact, after attending watchnight at Trinity- it was most probably the only time I can spent counting down with my family besides Chinese New Year.
This year, I spent it with another family- my extended family in Australia.
Spending Christmas in Australia made me relieved the infant days where we will all gather at Ang Mo KIo( at grandpa's House). Each grandkid has to be dressed up( I had to wear fairy dresses with my wand annually) and give grandpa a hug and a kiss before receiving our present. Well, I was least bothered if I could receive a gift. I was more concerned with being away from my parents. My comfort zone.
And as I sit here and reflect, i was an utter terribly cry baby if anyone could even remember. I cried whenever they want me to hug grandpa because i will be away from my parents. Then, I will most probably make everyone upset with my wailing and the party will come to a standstill. Sometimes. we do not leave our comfort zone to run to arms of Father in Heaven, do we? We have the knowledge that if we take that mini step, we will still be safe and sound in the arms of our Father as we live out in faith of what He has planned. However, we do not seem to act on that ( that's for myself). We choose, sadly, to remain in that little red zone of cushions and smiles, laughter and ripples allowed. I reckoned that Jesus had a tinge of fear leaving His comfort with His disciples. However, He chose to take upon the cross, to obey the Father in faith, returning to the Father in Heaven.
So Christmas was spent at Eastlakes and with a 1/4 of our family. With nice food, big xmas tree, noisy nephews, guitarist(Terence), cantonese, mandarin and English songs that lined the night's programme, how could we end the night without exchanging gifts? I got heaps of chocolate boxes and chocolates..LOL..shirts, photo album and love offering:) God is good!

Carols at the Domain

Headed to the Domain behind Hyde Park to spend a night of xmas carolling with many people..It was a time to refresh those xmas carols that we chucked aside after xmas. Then- is xmas all about the singing, chocolates and big mega events?

As I approach Christmas, it definitely feels a little different. I recalled my Xmas days in Singapore was spent busily packing, wrapping and writing endless cards. I have to stay up the night before to do it continuously. Sometimes forfeiting the sleep~ Then God will knock on my little heart and ask Vivian- Why are you busy with all these?
Hm- Because i have to? ..( well will that be a question or a remark?)

Anyhow, Carols at the Domain was pretty good:) I enjoyed being in the crowd..needed them to make me appreciate the WIGGLES( google this and u will find interesting men doing a formula similar to Hi-5). Elain was great company and I must say Xmas was not too lonely (physically) after all.