Friday, 6 July 2007

A secret holder~

Had a good meal with a buddy that went through thick and thin with me during the worst times of event organising..LOL. Satisfying the Chinese food cravings~

Thought of the day- It's pretty cool when someone lets you into a big secret- no one else knows except you and the party involved..even their partner is kept in the dark. Hee+ It boils down to the magnitude of trust and the capacity of the person's trusting personality to let it occur. It gets you all excited and the greatest part- it's a suspense that you have to withhold and a secret protective guarding ( intentional guarding) to not let anyone know so as to spoil the surprise~

When I get to hear about the "secret plans", often a glimpse of it from God.. I do ask myself- Am I excited?secretly guarding?protecting it well so the bad guy doesnt come to rob it?
I do at times, I don't at times as well. When I do, I am let into the big secret a little by little to see the eventual picture that will come:) When I don't, I just lost sight of it and though life is the same for me but the person who let it on the secret to me will most probably suffer a sense of betrayal( in real life) even though you can say a thousand might not turn the situation for the better.i suppose.

My Father in Heaven has this thing about mistakes. He doesn't haunt you with it when you repent and ask for forgiveness. He shows it by having to keep the secret plans He had for you, sharing it with you when you are ready to return and hear. That doesn't mean I can take it for granted.

Let me share with you a story-
How do you trap a monkey that has been coming into your garden to steal yr fruits? Very simple. You hollow out a coconut shell, and drill a small hole in it. Inside it, you put some sweet food. Then u attach the shell to a tree or a stake on the ground.
The monkey, when it comes sniffing around again, will be drawn to the sweet food in the coconut shell. Very quickly, it will reach in grab the food. Now the hold is big enuf for it's hand to enter but too small for the clenched fist, clutching the food to pull out. When you come along, the monkey will get frantic, but it won't open up its fist to let go of the food even though for the simple act will set him free. Now, you've got your little monkey thief.

hm yourself? ever betrayed someone cuz you let out on a secret that you were supposed to hold? or was betrayed by someone who let out your secret?
Like the monkey, many of us struggle to let go-even though we know it's our best interest to do so. If we do like the monkey, just clinging on cuz we are worried and anxious. It could only hold you back..whether it's in the growing of believing people and even your closest people around you.

Those who blew it away- Maybe it's time to take the humble pie and Say sorry
Those who got blown away-Forgive and let live:)

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