Tuesday, 7 August 2007

Sopranos by the bay~

It's been a month since I hit the down under for my studies. Many has asked whether I had been to the famous Sydney Opera House and the Harbour bridge. I must apologise for my laziness and indifference in not wanting to visit the attractions.

SO! Uncle Onn decided to bring me to the those places and many more sightseeing at the parks. I didn't really expected the itinery to be as such so I bought two bunches of flowers for my aunts who are preparing dinner for me tonight( I got another bunch of jonquil for my mei ku ma cuz she was gonna be at dinner too hehe)
It was walkin walkin and more walkin with an ice cream in hand. The sun was bright and warm and there were awesome views of the sights. It's finally my turn to say " I saw the Opera house and the bridge"

Due to the lack of sleep caused by attempts of civil war intrudents, I did not have the chance to view the entire botanical gardens. Slept all the way to my uncle's house and took a nap of 4 hours before waking up to a sumptious meal.

I made a visit to Wesley Missions Church along Pitt Street. Met up with Terence kor kor and went with him to service. It was communion and a sudden surge of emotions just welled up within me. It was communion back in Singapore too~ As I took of the bread and cup, I just gave thanks for the grace and mercy, the favour and His everlasting love even in a foreign land. Many times, I will think about " If I am back in Singapore...". Finding a home church is difficult and having the faith that it will be the one place for my season of growth in Him is really a testing for myself. I really hate the roaming feeling. It came to me that I have been here for a month and before I know it, 11 months will zoom past and I am back on the plane back to Singapore. Making new friends have never been easy for me. Moreover, you are meeting people of an absolutely different culture, upbringing, values and beliefs. Though there are people of your skin colour, they sound different as well. As I sat there and thought about how the month has passed, the enormous number of dramatic incidents that had taken place, it's hard to contain the overwhelmed gratefulness that I have for my Father in heaven.

This is what it means to be held.
How it feels when the sacred is torn from your life
And you survive.
This is what it is to be loved.
And to know that the promise was
When everything fell we’d be held.
-Held by Natalie Grant

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