Saturday, 29 September 2007


It was the last week of school for the first part of the semester and I headed out to town as usual for Blue Sky. It was THE WEEKEND because I was going to run my first half marathon in my life, in Sydney. hee+ So I decided to stay put in town to have easy access to Milsons point where the race will be starting.
The Eastlakes gang gathered at onn suk's place as usual for dinner. However, the usual males were missing because kah fei overslept and neng suk got quite upset that we did not start dinner on time and he had a date at the casinos. So we only had like 5 of us having dinner-that's munee, may ku ma, onn suk, auntie jeanette and myself. I stayed home on the entire saturday because i wanted to rest for sunday's race and "Nua" as much as possible. I visited Aldi for grocery shopping and went for a 15min run before I had to go and poo poo. I think I had not had my farting habit bowel movements..LOL.

We had dinner- sumptuous one! Roasted lamb shank, mixed vegetables, baked dory fillets and salmon with red eggs. It's a tradition in my dad's family to eat red eggs on birthdays so I innocently asked whose birthday was it. Then Auntie jeantte looked at me and said, " U LO." hahahah..I was quite embarrassed to be told that my birthday is coming. I kinda forgotten about it actually. I was intending to give a celebration a miss since am alone here. So there u go! They wanted to throw a birthday dinner to celebrate my birthday:)=**) Here's the spread on the table by our chef of the day- Auntie Jeanette and May ku ma

Then it was birthday cake party!! It was so funny. I felt like i was back in kindergarten where we had tidbits and cakes and presents. Auntie Jeanette made fruit muffins in the afternoon * i stole some recipes and tips from her* to go for the party. I was on the brink of breaking the dam! birthday song, birthday cake and birthday presents at Eastlakes. The birthday cake was caramel mud cake from Michel's hahahah..OTs don't you gals think that sounds familiar. IT's the FA GUI we had for Elain's birthday!!Brings back memories ah~

I felt enormous amount of love from my relatives over here for celebrating my birthday. The fact that they remembered and gathered to celebrate, though not all were here, the presence of the few was significant. As I would slowly learn to grow be less dependent, a part of me just reminded myself that it might be close to impossible to be solely independent in all things. That happiness and excitement or even the pitfalls in life..somehow having someone on the road with you will make the experience significant. It's the people that makes the event memorable. People- the best creation on planet earth by God. (That's why when God made man, He said that it was excellent in all ways.)

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