Monday, 5 November 2007

1 week of wireless:)

I finally get to do some blogging after a week of being "wireless". The feeling ain't that bad or helpess. Feels like the days when I had to survive on dial up and internet was not at my disposal of use- I had to ration the hours so that we don't bust our bills.

I suppose having no internet at home has directed my time to other events at home like eating. playing soccer in my house!! hahaha..~ except for the last item, i think the rest just increased its frequency with the free time i have..not forgetting the guitar and the TAWG. YES! my housemate has a soccer ball so i can kick some balls in the house..just like what i used to do back at home with my lovely brudder* I miss him manz*.

My new housemate is really funny. He gets bored easily..and he behaves a little like Daniel- he likes to sit around the house but not his room.. he plays soccer..listens to RnB music. I think they might make good friends.. anyway, that's beside the point. With my new housemate, my neighbours get to eat big watermelon that costs AUD 7!!! without having to carry it home themselves..LOL.

Things had not been really good for the past week since last Tuesday but I am thankful for the grace of God is ever bountiful. As I look back on the things that have happened in my house, it's not a sad thing after all. Hm..a pity it can be but I have decided to pick up the pieces, clear the mess and look forward just like before:)
I took 2 days off from work( leaving me really behind time from completing my assignments hehe) to attend the Global Leadership Summit 2007 at Wesley church. It's their Sydney leg and they had a video conference for 2 days. My rating- 9/10 stars!! It was truly inspiring and the speakers they had were amazing.. Jimmy Carter( US president), Bill Hybels( Senior Pastor of Willow Creek), Marcus Buckingham, Carly Fiorina( ex CEO of Hewlett Packard), Richard Curtis(director of NOtting hill), Colin Powell and Michael Porter. It has got me really thinking what I have been doing with the last 22 years of my life, the money and time I have wasted on things that (perhaps) could have made a difference if I chose to. I got down to do something I had always wanted to- bring a sponsor-a-child program to my friends back in Singapore. I believe there are many around and this is one that my cousin Terence started for the SEA and East Asia children. It's tough work but unless I get down to doing it- I will never know what I can accomplish for the kingdom of God:)

YEAPS!! so hopefully when I get back, I will be able to bring back something awesome for all..or better still, get this over even before I return:)

PEOPLE>TAG YOUR MAILING ADDRESS!! so i can send u xmas cards..LOL..otherwise I can't get them to u. I am trying to collate the different TIM TAMS and arnott's biscuits here to do a blog entry on it..haha..will stun u with the varieties we have!!
IT"S MANGOES happy!!

God bless your week ahead people*hugz*

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