Monday, 26 November 2007

The smell of home~

Mummy, daniel and Stefy arrived on the 23rd November 2007 at 2005h, Kingsford Smith Airport T1. I got there by 1930h because they were scheduled to arrive then so i ended up waiting to close an hour before seeing them.

As I was hanging around the places, people (like myself) were gathering to welcome their friends and family members who have been away for some time-long/short- it didn't really matter. it was the distance of separation that made the heart grow fonder. The hugs, run ups, screams and kisses that they share just made my heart melt. It was a feeling that I could not explain- that warmth that surges up your throat and gives you the goosebumps.

School internet does not allow me to add yea..pictureless blog for a long time..

Mum cooked her first meal in Australia for me:) 4 dishes 1 soup and it's been a long time since I ate her food. *sobz*

Enjoy every moment with her and the two punks while they are physically with me:)

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